Friday, December 11, 2009

Image of the Day- CS friend's eating Jabutacaba- Belo Horizonte

I met wonderful people on my spur of the moment trip to Belo Horizonte. It was a much needed trip and a chance to get away from the madness of Rio for a bit. It was a chance for me to see what normal life is like in Brazil without all the glam and glitz of the big cities. It was much like if a Brazilian came to visit Columbus. We'll I loved it and had a lot of fun learning about the culture north of Rio. I stayed with a friend I met through couch surfing. (yes, I did use this site quite a bit during my trip. more explanation on a later post!!) She and her father lived in a suburb outside the city of Belo Horizonte. She was so welcoming and wanted to take me everywhere around the city. She and a few other friends went with me to a great park called Inhotim. This picture was taken there when we were eating Jabutacaba (my favorite fruit) off the trees, in hopes of not getting caught!!

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